Updating Signed Documents with GPG

· 4min · Joe Lopes
A robot signing multiple documents.

One of these days I got the task to update some digitally signed documents, which implied in updating the signatures too. I found it very interesting, so I decided to document the steps for further reference.


First, it's important to describe the scenario. The documents I had to update were plain text files in a Git repository, all public to the internet. Those documents were signed with GPG using the team's key pair (must have need to know to have access to the private key) and the signature was appended to the end of each document, not in different files.

I started cloning the repository into my machine, created a new branch, and defined the new content of the document. Then, I guaranteed that GPG was up and running here (can be easily installed in macOS with brew install gpg) and asked for access to the key pair in AWS S3 bucket, so I copied the keys with aws-cli:

aws s3 cp s3://path/to/bucket/team-prikey.asc . --profile csirt

With the key pair, I imported the private key in GPG and listed the key ID for further reference to that key:

gpg --import team-prikey.asc
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG


With everything in place, I updated one file with the new content --the other files had the same content but were in different folders, so I decided to automate it. Then, I signed this file with the team's private key, creating an ASC file derived from the original file, and turning the ASC file in the original file:

gpg --local-user <KEYID> --armor --clearsign filename.txt
mv filename.txt.asc filename.txt

It's preferable for version control to update the other files instead of deleting and recreating them. To do that, I created a patch to update the old file with new data:

diff path/to/folder/br/filename.txt filename.txt.asc > filename.txt.patch

Applying in Batch

The files were spread in folders according to the country-code despite having the same content --for project design it couldn't be changed. To grant that all files were had the same content before patching them, I ran the following command and compared the resulting hashes:

sha1sum path/to/folder/*/filename.txt

Since all files were equal (had the same hash value), I patched all of them at once:

for cc in $(\\ls path/to/folder); do patch path/to/folder/"${cc}"/filename.txt filename.txt.patch; done

Testing the Signatures

To make sure everything was OK, I checked manually some files to ensure the signatures were valid:

gpg --verify path/to/folder/br/filename.txt

The --clearsign option creates a new file (.asc) based on the content of the original file. If both files (the original and the .asc files) are in the same directory while verifying the signature, then a warning will be appended to the verification message, stating that the file was not verified. To avoid this message, rename the .asc file or remove the unsigned file from the folder and the warning should disappear.


With all files updated and properly signed, I commited the changes, and pushed them to the repository with the usual Git commands --add, commit, and push. Then, I created a Pull-Request and after review and tests, my branch was merged and the new files were published.


Since the team's private key is very sensitive, I avoid keeping it in my computer, so I purged it from my computer:

rm -rf team-prikey.asc
gpg --delete-secret-key <KEYID>

This is not a straightforward task and requires attention because any error can cause commands not to run or even leaking sensitive data --the private key. I think it could be improved in many ways so the process could be more secure and streamlined, but following these steps I were able to achieve the goal fast and securely.

Good vibes are coming!