
My Minimalistic Approach to Mac System Setup

Learn how to setup your Mac system with fewer apps and keep it simple.

· 4min · Joe Lopes
My Minimalistic Approach to Mac System Setup

Query Security Services for IP Reputation

Query three security services in one shell script to check IP reputation.

· 4min · Joe Lopes
Query Security Services for IP Reputation

Creating a Hardened Testing Environment

Install and harden Arch Linux to create a safer OS for network tests.

· 3min · Joe Lopes
Creating a Hardened Testing Environment

Set Static IP Address in Arch Linux

Learn how to set a static IP address in Arch Linux without DHCP support.

· 3min · Joe Lopes
Set Static IP Address in Arch Linux

Recovering Arch Linux from a PAM Issue

How to recover Arch with a misconfigured PAM configuration.

· 4min · Joe Lopes
Recovering Arch Linux from a PAM Issue

Real-time Log Forwarding with Python and Syslog

Create a smart log forwarding script using Python and Syslog.

· 3min · Joe Lopes
Real-time Log Forwarding with Python and Syslog

Logging Python Messages to Syslog in macOS

Send log messages from Python to Syslog in macOS.

· 1min · Joe Lopes
Logging Python Messages to Syslog in macOS

Installing Nerd Fonts on Arch Linux

Learn how to install and use Nerd Fonts.

· 3min · Joe Lopes
Installing Nerd Fonts on Arch Linux

Arch Linux Workstation Setup

Install graphical environment and apps, setup configs in your workstation.

· 6min · Joe Lopes
Arch Linux Workstation Setup

Linux Hardening with CIS Controls

Applying CIS controls for improving the security of an Arch Linux.

· 10min · Joe Lopes
Linux Hardening with CIS Controls

Arch Linux Hardened Installation Guide

Step-by-step guide to perform a hardened Arch Linux installation.

· 11min · Joe Lopes
Arch Linux Hardened Installation Guide